Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 1 - 1 Peter 5:7

Good Morning all!

Our first verse is nice and easy!

1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."

Tips for memorizing: read it a few times to get comfortable with the words. Write it down throughout the day. Keep saying it to yourself. Look for an opportunity to share it that day with someone. When you think you know it, try writing it without looking at your note card. When all else fails, make it a song! :)

verses will now be posted here each day so save the link!

make sure you memorize the scripture reference as well so when you need to find it in the Bible you can!

Please feel free to comment below if you feel led. We can discuss the verse or just share how it's touched us.



  1. What a great one to say allll day!!!!

  2. thanks Rae love it and knowing that my surgery is coming up soon this will help for me not to worry bout it =)

  3. I say Amen and Thank YOU Lord!

  4. Ok, I (Dee Dee) think I got this figured out and hopefully this time it will post my comment!
    I'm about to go to bed and I think I'm just going to repeat the verse of the day again and again until I'm asleep.

  5. HAHA! Welcome Dee Dee, glad you got it worked out! Actually that is one of my tricks to help me fall asleep is to recite stuff I have memorized. Keep it up!
